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Tweak command is redesigned to use direct manipulation tools arranged in the Tweak Components minitoolbar. The Tweak Components minitoolbar includes many new commands. The triad manipulator is modernized and its appearance is similar as in Inventor direct edit commands.
The triad can use the world coordinate system or local coordinate system of the attached component. When local coordinate system is used, you can align the triad to the component geometry. When you create a tweak, you can dynamically add or remove components included in the selection set.
When you edit an existing tweak, you can redefine the set of components participating in the tweak. When you create acrobat dc free pro adobe tutorial edit a tweak, an edit box with the distance invejtor angle value is attached to the triad manipulator. When you edit the value, the перейти на источник is updated accordingly. When you create a tweak, component positions and created trails are dynamically previewed.
When you edit a tweak, components are rolled back so that you can preview the edited tweak. When you create tweaks, you can go back one step and cancel the previous aitodesk by the Undo button. The приведенная ссылка history and the Undo button are available until you click Apply in the Tweak Components rfee.
Use the direct editing tools on the Tweak Components mini toolbar to manually add, edit, or delete trails or trail segments. When the default trails do not match your needs, you can add trails or trail segments manually. Then in the graphic window, click a point on the tweaked component to autodesk inventor 2017 auto explode free a trail. When you use the Auto Explode command, select the Preview box to dynamically preview the exploded view of the model. The preview updates whenever you change the settings in the Auto Explode dialog box.
When you autoexplode a model, individual tweaks for the exploded components are added to the /19795.txt view. The tweaks can be edited separately, so you can fine tune the position of the components in the exploded model view. Triad Manipulator The triad manipulator is modernized and its appearance is similar as in Inventor direct edit commands. Move and Continuous Move Two options are available to create transitional tweaks: Move clears the selection set of components when you autodesk inventor 2017 auto explode free Apply.
You can create a sequence of tweaks with a different selection sets. Continuous Move retains the selection set of components увидеть больше you autidesk Apply. You can add multiple tweaks for the same selection set, or slightly change the original selection as you create tweaks. Editable Selection Set of Tweaked Components When you create a tweak, you can dynamically add invebtor remove components included in the selection set.
In-Canvas Editing of Autodesk inventor 2017 auto explode free Distance or Angle When you create or edit a tweak, an edit box with the distance or angle value is attached to the triad manipulator. Dynamic Preview of Tweaked Components When you create a tweak, component positions and created trails are dynamically previewed.
Undo Button in Tweak Components Command When you create tweaks, you can go back one step and cancel the previous tweak by the Undo button. Default Trails When you create a tweak, you select an option to create default trails: None cancels creating trails. All Components creates trails по ссылке all selected components.
All Parts creates trails for all selected parts, excludes subassemblies from creating trails. Single creates a single trail for the entire tweak regardless of the number of moved components. The trail starts from the triad location. Enhanced Autodesk inventor 2017 auto explode free Editing Use the direct увидеть больше tools on the Tweak Components mini toolbar to manually add, edit, or inventtor trails or trail segments.
Больше информации Trails When the default trails do not match your needs, you can add autodesk inventor 2017 auto explode free or trail segments manually. Note: A full trail denotes a complete component path in a presentation view.
A trail segment represents a specific translational invnetor rotational tweak. Dynamic Preview /8434.txt Auto Explode When you use the Auto Explode command, select the Preview box to dynamically preview the exploded view of the model. Levels of Auto Explosion Two options are available to autoexplode the model: One Level separates all selected components down to one level in the hierarchy. All Levels separates all autodesk inventor 2017 auto explode free components down to all levels in component hierarchy.
Trails for Autodesk inventor 2017 auto explode free Exploded Components When you autoexplode a model, several options are available to create trails: None cancels creating trails. All Components to create trails for all components included in auto explode.
All Parts to create autoo for exploded parts only. Single to create a single trail for each tweak created by the Auto Explode command. Tweaks Created by Auto Explode When you autoexplode a model, individual tweaks посмотреть больше the exploded components are added to the presentation view. Parent topic: What’s New in Autodesk Inventor Related Information General Enhancements in Presentations.