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Reddit windows 10 upgrade vs clean install free download. Fix: Upgrade to Windows 10 Failed
That might work for you. I see people worried about stability are all choosing RAID, but most of those discussion dated 2 month ago. I am wondering whether recent bios update fixed issues with AHCI or not.
I want to what do you think since you have used both, can you share? Author here. I understand your concern. BIOS updates by Dell, especially more recent updates, have made this a very gray-area issue. I can only recommend leaving the laptop in the way it was shipped to you. If you have an SSD in a or , just leave it how it is. I honestly don’t understand what you mean when you talk about “working” when your laptop is asleep.
That bit really confuses me. Hey buddy, thanks for your reply. Sorry, I meant when I start the laptop from sleep mode closing the lid: sleep mode, then opening the lid, waking up from sleep! Anyway, do you see performance drop in SSD after waking up from sleep mode? That’s why I am talking about. Same situation with AHCI works fine, no drop in performance. Did you run any application to test that? Because another person was saying same thing, but when he used CrystalDuskMark, he confirmed the issue.
Would you mind trying that app and report back your the SSD performance after slip? Hey yourself! I switched back to RAID. I’d live with slower speed but not BSOD. I wish they fix the issue, I watch for new drivers. Do a cold boot and run the app, and test it again after sleep. It’s a matter of preference then! I’d rather close the lid and put it to sleep. With fast start up, it takes a second to boot up! Didn’t you open the link, did you? Just switched and confirm no drop in performance after posted.
Any instability in AHCI, will revert back. Seems good so far. Just did a reinstall with AHCI. I am not experiencing any issues with the HDD portion at least. I reverted back to the RAID mode. Did you install the latest windows updates? That should fix the touch issue. Yes, I have the latest updates. Still seeing issues, will try the Synaptics driver mentioned. I had 1 BSOD the first time, but none after. Did you have touch pad issue on RAID as well, right?
Hi there, great guide! Thanks a lot for this. I don’t want the raid configuration so what do I set the bios to? I’m not entirely sure though. I have a feeling that you should just be able to replace the hard drive and follow this guide to install Windows 10 fresh.
There is a small chance Windows might recognize a hardware change and ask you to enter a new product key, but I think this is unlikely I’m going to look into it. I’d download the specific driver for your SSD and save it externally somewhere just in case. During step 16 make sure you don’t delete any partitions from your 1TB hard drive – If you do it will erase the drive although not completely wipe the data off it. I’ve looked into the act replacing the OS drive for a Windows 10 machine and most of the information I have come across says that replacing the hard drive should not trigger Windows 10 to seek a product key.
If, during the Windows 10 installation, you’re greeted with a prompt looking for the product key, just hit “Skip”. If all else fails, just give Dell a call and tell them you need the product key.
I’ve heard other people say Dell obliged. I am not reading all the comments on this guide, so if this has been pointed out already, I am sorry, but in case it has not been I think it has to be said. AHCI is far more stable on these systems than RAID mode because it does not require additional drivers to work and does not, in fact, consume more battery life. On my personal tests which I have ran, as well as some others you can find online you will find that AHCI does provide slightly better performance in these drives, especially when paired with Samsung’s EVO Pro drivers.
Samsung even suggests you use it on their commercial drives if you are not running them in a raid array. These drives, even if you set it to [P]ATA mode ie. So if this is the case, why then does it even matter what we set it to? Well the OS cannot actually interact with the SSDs directly, it has to go through the motherboard via some drivers, and those drivers actually decide about how to queue and send commands, for example.
Windows has some built in NVMe drivers, though Samsung’s are better when using Samsung drives and even though neither they nor Dell released official device drivers for the series of M. So at this point Windows sends commands to the motherboard via these drivers and the motherboard forwards them to the drive. Depending on how the motherboard is configured Windows does this in different ways.
Here is the really important part to understand, and that is what happens once the commands get to the motherboard when you are using Intel RAID. Because this emulation is on a hardware level it is not very resource consuming, however this extra step does lower your performance a little bit. Regardless of how you have it set up on these laptops it will ultimately all boil down to the motherboard running in AHCI mode because you do not have a functioning RAID array, but one method requires an extra step or two.
So its a really simple, common sense, logic problem. Interesting rebuttal. I’ll look into some of your claims.
But ACHI is the wrong choice. I only know that from what I’ve heard from other people. Interesting, every other time I go to research a point I go to make against you I end up learning something new. Curious about the Pro drivers I have not read the comments on your guides because its way too long and honestly I have not had the time yet.
Now I don’t have any numbers to show either, I realize this. I did run benchmarks when I made these switches but I did not save the results because I never thought I would end up posting them. If I ever have to reinstall Windows, or I ever decide to pick this up professionally I will.
When my Intel WIFI card comes today or tomorrow I will run benchmarks on the Dell one and it as well to give actual proof on whether or not it has any benefits and to decide on if to return it or not based on more than how many milliseconds “I feel” that my web pages are loading. People seem to have instability with ACHI for several reasons, not the least of which is Dell cutting corners on the manufacturing of these laptops to bring the cost down and sending out thousands of units with bad system boards.
It’s nearly impossible to imagine that ACHI would be less stable, unless people are misunderstanding stability as performance. It’s like stating that VGA mode on Windows is less stable than when you have proper graphics drivers installed. Yes, without proper graphic drivers installed you wont be able to get most of the features of your GPU integrated or otherwise, and your resolution is usually limited to, well, VGA, however, it will never crash on you, because it is as stable and basic as it can be.
I think people misunderstand these. Some people also seem to try and fix Windows after switching instead of doing a clean install. In the real world it might not really matter, but its just a matter of logic. When you drive to your friend’s house, you wouldn’t take 5 right turns when you can just make 1 left turn obviously assuming the street layout allows for this.
They may both get you to your destination, but one is clearly less efficient than the other. It doesn’t matter what protocol your motherboard uses to the drive, only to the OS because it is incapable of communicating with the drives directly.
Dell is making you use RAID by default because a Intel asks that all their motherboards be distributed with RAID on by default and b possibly because it means they get away with not releasing any drivers for the SSD, because they can just tell you to use the Intel ones. Now things in the technology sector change very rapidly, it is possible that Intel and Dell have changed things in regards to the way Intel’s RAID mode works, but from the last time I looked at it, I don’t think they have.
With that said, I have had very little free time on my hands recently, so I may not have looked very closely. I am actually a computer science major, or trying to be, anyways. My university career is a joke because the education system is a joke. Pretty much everything I know is through extensive research and reading. My system is in great condition. I only have applications and games I use, no junk utilities, small list of start-up items, no issues, optimised and up to date. There’s no malware none that I know of.
I’m running Windows 8. I understand my Windows directory will be renamed windows. My registry will move over too. As someone who use to be a constant “format and install windows to keep it fresh” I really think an upgrade is okay to do. It’s only with older versions there were issues upgrading and a clean install was necessary.
These days an upgrade is quit acceptable as MS have greatly improved the process. I think the step from Windows 8. To the people who will clean install, do you slipstream and clean install for service packs, or Windows updates?
I feel this is very similar. I just really think now days a clean install is only required when you change a major piece of hardware.
It’s a new major revision of the OS, better to start with a nice fresh clean slate. I wouldnt want to be cluttered with a windows. When you upgrade any other software, you dont want all the previous versions laying around.
Too many other upgrade processes just don’t often work out bug-free, i’d rather start anew, and it doesnt take all that much longer. I won’t slipstream anything either. I’m prepared to put the extra bit of work in to do it step by step and ensure nothing will screw up, or be bugged, or any surprises like that. Well the files are there in case anyone has something they need stored in their Windows folder. All that’s happening is the folder gets renamed, when you delete it it will be deleted in the same way it would with a clean install unless you format the drive of course.
You need to do an upgrade in order to activate the 10 licence – whether you decide to nuke it straight away after that is up to you, but going directly to a clean install of 10 won’t give you a valid licence. I appreciate that, what i mean is i wont be running the ‘upgraded’ system, it’ll be fresh install for production use. Generally, speaking upgrading invites the possibility of instability with existing software and drivers. If you feel, that you can handle that risk or gamble.
What’s stopping you, its your computer? Its nice that the newer editions provide warnings and more abort and restore methods. But, here is a good example that I’ve made a post about recently. General Information Everybody is welcome here, even those that have yet to ascend.
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Celebrities are the exception, as long as you respect rule 1. Rule 6 The following will be removed at moderator discretion: 6. Rule 7 Age, nationality, race, gender, ability, sexuality, religion, political affiliation and economic status are all irrelevant here.
All are welcome in the PC Master Race. Also, linking the PC Master Race with racial supremacy or any kind of fascist ideologies, or making distasteful analogies in this regard, is not acceptable in the slightest.
Rule 8 No begging. No soft begging. No Implicit or explicit trading. No buying. Yes No. Sorry this didn’t help. Thanks for your feedback. The free upgrade to Windows 10 offer from Microsoft expired on the 29th July, You will have to contact MS support and they may be able to assist you with a free upgrade to Here’s how you can still get a free Windows 10 upgrade ZDNet.
If you do have to buy Windows Once you have the edition of Windows 10 installed on the new computer Home or Pro you can buy a licence for the installed edition using the Windows 10 Store.
– Reddit windows 10 upgrade vs clean install free download
For direct contact with Dell upgraade see the “General Support” section below. Windows 10 – Clean Install Guide self. This is a step-by-step guide written for beginners and tech savvy individuals alike; it outlines the method I used 100 completely reinstall Windows 10 on my brand new XPS 13 I’ve had to do this three times already on this machine alone. For those of you who prefer this guide in a video format TechChris made a great, easy-to-follow one here: YouTube.
I have not researched the different impacts on battery life. Until I know about the upgrde on battery life I can’t truly recommend one setting over another, but until then I intend to keep the content of this guide the same. I have removed steps about AHCI mode that remained redacted, and removed the notes about steps that I had restored in order to make the reddit windows 10 upgrade vs clean install free download appear cleaner.
I also performed some general light editing and sentence restructuring. Get yourself a USB flash drive with at least 8. I used a USB 3. To do this, download the bit Media Creation Tool here reddit windows 10 upgrade vs clean install free download save it to your desktop, for convenience.
The tool will then download and install the program on your USB. This will take a while, so get up and stretch your legs. Maybe do some cleaning, or use the time for Step 3. Make sure to back up all your files that you need to an external drive of some sort, probably something other than USB flash drive with the Windows Recovery Media. Re-installing Windows 10 will completely erase your hard drive, so back up all those embarrassing snapshots of you at that Christmas party.
Now comes the fun part. Keep the USB drive plugged in. We are going to boot from the USB flash drive. So revdit Restart your computer, but be prepared and press the f12 key over and over once you see the Dell logo appear. The boot menu will then launch. Once in the boot menu again, use the arrow key to navigate to upfrade the USB is listed, and hit the Enter key to launch from the flash drive. A window for the Windows 10 источник статьи will pop up against a blue screen.
If you have the QHD, x resolution screen model of the XPS 13 you better go get your reading glasses because the text will be small as shit.
If your computer is like mine, you should be greeted нажмите чтобы прочитать больше a window that is searching for a hard drive to install Windows 10 to, but no hard drive will be listed. This will take a few minutes. In the box that was empty before, there should now be several drive partitions listed. Leave the MB size the same mine was Windows has created a special partition for itself, leave it be.
Windows 10 will now start reinstalling. This process took about 7 minutes for me. You should now be back in a vanilla form of Windows 10 without any of that useless Dell bloatware! Once you are connected to your WiFi network, open Windows Update and install all the updates it finds.
You may need to restart приведу ссылку times. You may experience screen freezing after the computer restarts. This is a problem I am currently investigating. This would be inatall good opportunity to create a restore pointin case something happens in the future. After the restore point has been created I would suggest powering down your computer and then powering it back on. You should now download and install most of the drivers they have here.
You made it! This is all I have to offer now it terms of help. The reason for the need for the Intel Rapid Storage Driver the “f6flpy-x I didn’t try reddir change before any of my clean installs. You very well may be correct. Продолжить ;D I’m not going to reinstall my OS but let me run through a mock reinstall to see if it will work.
Thanks friend :. Could you double check to make sure everything sounds correct? Just different drivers? Hey there, i followed your guide and everything seemed to work fine. My laptop started acting up though. I got several blue screens after using it for days. I cs3 updates free download to disable it, because it always turned black after minutes after bootup.
I own a XPS 15 I used the rexdit driver and stayed on RAID: f6flpy-x Seems that Intel is claiming some power saving features and since RAID mode is the default for ссылка на продолжение laptop and since I have no reason to doubt it, I stuck with it reddit windows 10 upgrade vs clean install free download what this guide says.
Just to reddit windows 10 upgrade vs clean install free download the 1. Источник heaps for reddit windows 10 upgrade vs clean install free download guide.
It looks easy enough for even a pleb like me to understand and follow. Three questions:. I just did an install on XPS The eDellroot cert did not reappear and the install seems to be clean. I followed pretty much the same process I did not set AHCI but I installed the Intel Rapid Storage driver as suggested by some posts and Reddit windows 10 upgrade vs clean install free download installed the following drivers that I downloaded before formatting from the dell portal:.
Right now I’m windosw an issue: Windows update does not see the Nov update which fixes the touchpad and other stuff. Maybe I just need to wait and it will appear. This is the correct procedure. Re-did it this way and is working perfectly. Also, the Nov is in a bit of a limbo right now as they downloqd it out.
I don’t know when it will hit our systems. That’s pretty weird since I was able to install this update a couple days ago right after I powered on the machine for the first time. Now I can’t download it anymore. It appears they found some bugs and had to re-roll out the fixed? Wouldn’t worry about it. The only thing I have left to fix in dodnload trackpad! Interesting, mine is is better then it was, but not totally fixed. Waiting on the photoshop cc full crack bagas31 update from windows before I try anything else.
Have you gotten an error saying “no device drivers were found. I tried using a USB 2. Does it have to be a USB 3. I downloaded all the drivers from Dell’s support page using my service tag.
No – I take it you have an SSD in your machine? Intel Rapid Storage Technology Driver. Also, leave that shit in RAID. I used a manky, gross, old USB 2. I formatted it to NTFS before making it a doownload media. Dug up this old post to see if someone with the same problem can help.
I can uncheck a box and explore the USB, which нажмите чтобы увидеть больше the RAID driver, but when I try to install it the computer just goes into infinite busy screen mode. It sat for 10 minutes before I rebooted and gave up. Do you happen to know if I need to install other drivers first, or do it in any particular order? I installed the Intel driver reddit windows 10 upgrade vs clean install free download the root folder of the USB key, which allowed windows to see the driver.
That might reddit windows 10 upgrade vs clean install free download for you. I see people worried about stability are all choosing RAID, but most of those discussion dated 2 month ago. I am wondering whether recent bios update fixed issues with AHCI or not.
I want to what do you think since you have used both, can you share? Author here. I understand your concern. BIOS updates by Dell, especially more recent updates, have made this a very gray-area issue. I can only recommend leaving the laptop in the way gs was shipped to you. If you have an SSD in a orjust leave it how it is.
Reddit windows 10 upgrade vs clean install free download. If you don’t want Windows 10, do this!
Fresh is always recommended where possible but the upgrades work amazingly nowadays. Upgrade is definitely quicker if you include settings etc. No, you dont need to do a clean install. Just upgrade. When you have a lot of free time, do a clean install.
Reddit windows 10 upgrade vs clean install free download
People have a license and saying no to the new OS requires brain storming for an average user, is quasi impossible for … what? So you see, in the past new OSs deployed one problem, when Windows 10 inflates to five. This has never existed before with a new Windows OS, this is stunning immaculate. And I truly believe the medias will sooner or later describe this Microsoft tsunami as it is becoming a planetary problem. Well, I have to disagree respectfully on some parts.
Companies are more utilizing the ability of having always on internet to get statistics to better understand their customers. I would assume if enough people wanted Windows Media Center back, Microsoft would bring it back in some way. Vista also was too power hungry for standard hardware, but I believe that was more an error on marketing. Yes, but this happens often, with XP, then Vista, then Windows 8. Oh, and I really hate the move from Service packs to whole fledged OS upgrade.
I am not saying the ends justify the means though. The thing is, people had their windows update to install automatically. At least prior to windows 10 you could control updates, in comparison to some mobile OSs out there. While we agree on some points obviously there are fundamentals where I just cannot follow your analysis.
This is the very, the universal pretext of any tracking company! I have a true preference for liking rather than disliking. Time will tell, Andrew. Windows 10 is not finished, it is a work in progress. To be positive and join you in that attitude, we may hope that this unaccomplished OS will mute with time, for the best of its users, at least.
Corky, and web browsers as well. In regards to Phones vs computers and tracking. I seriously hope that v was just a one time thing in terms of upgrading. Windows update was one of the greatest features ever added to windows But then again most people back then signed on with If yes, then are they not Windows 7or8? If yes, then have those computers not been similarly affected beg your pardon, Upgraded at the whims and fancies of MS?
If yes, then why do they DoD commit to Windows10 when the upgrade is automatically done? If not, then can we reasonably assume that MS chooses not to touch DoD and other such mighty users? To my knowledge, Windows Enterprise has not, so far, been subjected to Windows 10 readiness or upgrade patches.
I administer a few Windows 7 Pro computers as well as a couple of Windows 7 Enterprise laptops. Until recently, an institution had to have a minimum of users to qualify for a Windows 7 Enterprise license.
That minimum number recently went up to users. For those who have had it with Windows and would like to try something different, I recommend the Linux distribution called Depth OS. There are some reviews on YouTube and written reviews elsewhere. Depth OS has an interface very similar to Windows and should be easy for people who are new to Linux.
Thanks, Guest. There are so many Linux distributions and at the same time, because I feel there is no consensus on one which would prevail, the choice for a newcomer seems to be a challenge. So tough to have an objective start since all are mentioned as the best!
People were surprised by Windows 8 and have been disappointed. Windows 8 users wanted Windows 10, have been and still are disappointed and, cherry on the cake, are force-fed to swallow it. Unless they struggle with determination : NO! Nice program! So, no screaming at Tom Hawack Re win 10 and metered broadband can you claim Microsoft for the excess you pay under the UK. My first PC in used two 5. I tried three times in my professional career business professor to go Mac but compatibility issues.
Everything since 7 has been a down grade, and this forced conversion is the last straw. Yes, that should be enough, provided that you review all updates before you install them to block those that bring W10 to your system. LOL P. LOL Hahaha. Respectfully, Debbie T. The article below was published in ghacks.
I am running windows 7 home premium. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Please click on the following link to open the newsletter signup page: Ghacks Newsletter Sign up. Ghacks is a technology news blog that was founded in by Martin Brinkmann. It has since then become one of the most popular tech news sites on the Internet with five authors and regular contributions from freelance writers.
Search for:. Martin Brinkmann. Windows , Windows If you don’t want Windows 10, do this. Microsoft pushes Windows 10 as an upgrade on machines running Windows 7 or 8. If you don’t want it, you need to configure the device to block automatic updates. Related content Windows 11 version 22H2: new and updated apps. Windows Terminal Preview 1. Windows 11 Insider Preview Build brings an expanded view to the widgets board.
Install Microsoft. Microsoft Windows Security Updates September overview. Should you upgrade Windows 10 to Windows 11 version 22H2? Comments moira hawk said on March 13, at am. Martin Brinkmann said on March 13, at am. Mani said on March 13, at pm. Windows 10 is Amazing. Jeff-FL said on March 13, at pm. Khidreal said on March 13, at pm. Decent60 said on March 14, at am. Microceph 10 said on March 14, at am. Andrew said on March 14, at am. Win10Spy said on March 15, at am. RJ said on March 15, at pm.
GarbageMan said on December 13, at pm. Jason said on March 13, at pm. Max said on March 15, at pm. Andrew said on March 13, at am. T J said on March 13, at am. Never mind Linux! I want my Win 98 back Nebulus said on March 13, at am. T J said on March 13, at pm. Mani 1. A clean install means formatting your hard drive, wiping the current operating system, and installing Windows 11 from scratch.
It requires you to have some technical skills. An in-place upgrade is a common way to install Windows 11 on your PC since it is very easy. With Windows 11 Installation Assistant, the upgrade process is almost automated.
Find the option go back to an earlier build not available after 10 days? Full solutions to fix Windows 10 rollback option not working are here! When performing an in-place upgrade of Windows 11, Windows attempts to bring all the contents of the old version to a new version. This makes the new system cluttered at the beginning. Besides, some programs and drivers are not compatible with Windows 11 and cannot run properly. Furthermore, you may run into some errors caused by pre-existing issues in the system and some peripherals cannot be used.
You need to troubleshoot the issues, which is annoying. And you can get a clean Windows registry. Clean install helps you to get rid of all incompatible programs since it deletes all the apps.
Besides, you will regain control over your apps since you only need to install programs that you want. For most users, the worst is some data will be deleted after a clean install. You need to back up your personal files before you do. After installing, you need to spend time personalizing your PC.
After knowing so much information, here comes a question: is it better to upgrade to Windows 11 or clean install? There is no exact answer. Two options are available and you can choose one based on your situation. To be specific, if you want to keep your files, apps, and settings, perform an in-place upgrade. If you want to get better performance and a clean Windows, Windows 11 clean install is a good choice.
Share this post on Twitter to let more persons know. Keep on reading the step-by-step guide below. Microsoft offers you a tool called Windows 11 Installation Assistant that can help you easily upgrade your PC from Windows 10 to Windows It is the best easy option for installing this new operating system on the device. Select the “Nothing” option, which, as it warns in the prompt, will delete every file on the computer.
For this reason, you’ll want to make sure any files you want to keep are backed up on either a local drive or in a cloud account before reverting back to the older version of the OS.
Microsoft has a support document that covers its backup tools for Windows 10 and Finish clicking through the download tool when prompted, after which point the PC will reboot. When it turns back on, the Windows 10 installation prompts will appear, enabling you to finish installing and setting up the machine with a fresh copy of the older operating system.
Feeling a bit unsure about whether to proceed? Microsoft goes into more detail about what a fresh Windows 10 installation means, including the impact it may have on certain software licenses.