Сhoice Painting by Vlad Tasoff
Oil, gesso on canvas, 2015
Choice Painting by Vlad Tasoff now available
Size: 23.2 x 31.1 inches. Price: 1660$
or contact us: vlta2006@yahoo.com
Many women live, suffering. Some of us are unfortunate because for years stay in the painful destroying relationship.
For many of us the mentality of “survival” becomes norm.
To call changes in the life happens difficult, but also to live in suffering it is intolerable.
Think of the today’s situation.
Whether you deny, what you live in suffering?
Whether everything suits you during your life?
If there is a wish for something another, accept the personal responsibility that happens to you, recognize the mistakes. It is the first step to serious positive changes.
Call courage in the life.
Make a choice towards the happiness.
Refuse to suffer, take the responsibility for everything that happens to you if you want that changes came to your life.
As soon as you recognize the reality and you will make a personal choice that to change something, improvements will follow it.