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Save and export video and animations in Photoshop
Smooth – Toggles whether to apply smoothing to the edges of the image output. Crops each frame to the area that has changed from the preceding frame. Fragment Movie. Specifies whether the exported movie has fields Interlaced or no fields Progressive.
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If you choose a number that’s higher than the movie’s current frame rate, existing frames are duplicated not recommended, since it increases file size without improving quality. In most cases, your video will look better if you choose a number that your source fps is exactly divisible by. Key Frame Every. Specifies the key frame frequency. With some compressors, an additional key frame is inserted automatically if too much of the image has changed from one frame to the next.
In general, one key frame every 5 seconds multiply the frames per second by 5 is usually sufficient. If you are creating a file for RTSP streaming and have concerns about the reliability of the delivery network, you may want to increase key frame frequency to one key frame every 1 or 2 seconds.
Limit Data Rate To. Specifies the number of colors to include in video that you export. This menu is not available if the selected codec supports only one color depth. Increasing quality above the original capture quality does not increase quality, but may result in longer rendering times. Aspect Ratio. The following options are available in the DV Export Settings dialog box:. Specifies an option if the movie is scaled to new pixel dimensions.
Typically, QuickTime is used to export video files. Click Settings to access the following options:. Frames Per Second. Insert Space Before Number. For more information on the specific file formats and their options, see also Saving and exporting images and File formats. Chooses the codec to compress your video. For the highest quality at the lowest data rate or the smallest file , H. Specifies how much the data rate can vary above and below the data rate you choose.
Specifies the pixel dimensions of your exported video. Current maintains the source material size. To specify a size not listed in the Image Size menu, choose Custom.
Specifies an option if the movie needs to be scaled to the new pixel dimensions. Fit Within Size adjusts to the destination size by fitting to the longest side, scaling if necessary. Specifies the frame rate for the playback of your exported video. Usually, your video looks better if you choose a number that is exactly divisible by the frames per second fps of your source.
Specifies that key frames are generated automatically or specifies how frequently key frames are created in the exported video. This can help regain synchronization due to transmission errors.
Restrict Profile s To. Encoding Mode. Although the Movie Settings dialog box displays Sound options, you cannot adjust the current audio settings. To include audio in exported files, see Preview audio for video layers. Opens the Standard Video Compression Settings dialog box so you can set the video compression and accompanying options.
Fast Start-Compressed Header. Hinted Streaming. Specify the frame rate for your video by choosing the number of frames per second fps. Some codecs support a specific set of frame rates. Increasing the frame rate may produce smoother motion depending on the original frame rates of the source clips but uses more disk space. If available, specify how often the key frames are generated. See Understanding QuickTime key frames. Select if available for the selected compressor and type a data rate to place an upper limit on the amount of video data produced by the exported video when it is played back.
Set compressor options specific to the selected codec. Click the Option button if available to specify further compressor options. If the Depth menu is available, choose the number of colors to include in exported video. Specifies the frame size for your exported movie.
If you want to specify a frame size not included in the Dimensions menu, choose Custom and enter values for Width and Height. Specifies an option if the movie is scaled to a new frame size. Fit Within Dimensions adjusts to the destination size by fitting to the longest side, scaling if necessary. Deinterlace Source Video. Buy Adobe Photoshop or start a Free Trial. Legal Notices Online Privacy Policy. Buy now.
User Guide Cancel. Make it. Important Important:. Video and animation export formats. Optimize animation frames. Make sure that the Timeline panel is in the frame animation mode.
Choose Optimize Animation from the panel menu. Set the following options:. Click OK. Flatten frames into layers. In the Timeline or Layers panel, select the video layer. Export video files or image sequences. In the Render Video dialog box, enter a name for the video or image sequence. Click the Select Folder button, and navigate to the location for the exported files. Optional Specify format-specific options from the menus below the file format menu.
Click the Settings button and specify the format-specific options. Choose a frame rate from the Document Frame Rate menu. Under Range, select one of the following options:.
All Frames. Renders all the frames in the Photoshop document. You can run it on any computer without any problem. Creating flexible visual effects in not a problem anymore. It got a quite self-explanable interface. Customizable workspaces are available which can make your creating process easier and quicker. All the panels can be organized in a workspace. You can make custom workspaces. New backgrounds, transitions, and behaviors are added.
Different file formats are supported. The workspaces in Adobe After Effects Portable are highly customizable. Resolution – The resolution of the image output. The default is 72 dpi. Click Export to export the PNG sequence.
Export animated GIF. You can export animated GIF files in Animate by performing the following steps:. Export images and graphics to CC library. FXG graphic interchange format deprecated with Animate. About FXG files. FXG export constraints. The following items are constrained when saving to an FXG file:. Scale-9 grids: exported, but readable only by Adobe Illustrator. Sound and video: not exported. Components: not exported. Embedded fonts: not exported. Button symbols: Animate exports only the Up state of buttons.
Inverse Kinematics IK properties: not exported. Text attributes: some attributes may not be exported. Export Animate content in FXG format. In Animate, you can export content in FXG format in two ways:. Select to export the minimum image area or specify the full document size. Color Depth. Animate document SWF. Difference between previous and latest export video workflows. The new workflow is different from the export video workflow of CS6 and earlier versions. The major points of difference are:.
Export formats : Animate can export QuickTime movies, only. HD videos : Animate allows you to export HD videos. The AVI export did not support movie clips. Export begins at Frame 2. Depending how the Timeline is structured, the exported video can be a result of any of the following scenarios: If there is more than one frame on the root timeline, the export will begin from frame 2. If there is only one frame on the root timeline, then the export will include frame 1.
If there is more than one frame on the root timeline and ActionScript or sound is added to frame 1, it will not be called. Exporting HD video. Before you begin exporting, do the following: Install QuickTime Set the frame-rate to a value equal to or less than 60 fps.
For more information, see Animation Basics. Create or open an existing FLA. On the Export Video dialog set your desired options:. Render Size H and W : Configure the render size according to the resolution in which you want to export, depending on whether you want to export HD video or normal.
Set the values equal to the Width and Height of the Stage , respectively. If you want to change the Render Width and Render Height values, then modify the Stage size accordingly. Animate maintains the aspect ratio as per the Stage dimensions. Ignore Stage Color generate alpha channel : Creates an alpha channel using the stage color. The alpha channel is encoded as a transparent track.
It lets you overlay the exported QuickTime movie on top of other content to alter the background color or scene. If selected, AME is launched after Animate completes exporting the video.
Path for the Exported Video: Enter or browse to the path where you want to export the video.