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Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, , Current based condition monitoring of electromechanical systems. Model-free drive system current monitoring: faults detection and diagnosis through statistical features extraction and support vector machines classification. University of Bradford, Condition monitoring of bearing damage in electromechanical drive systems by using motor current signals of electric motors: a benchmark data set for data-driven classification: Proceedings of the European conference of the prognostics and health management society, [C].
Wavelet filter-based weak signature detection method and its application on rolling element bearing prognostics[J]. Journal of Sound and Vibration, , 4 IEEE Access, , L, et al. These data are collected from Drivetrain Dynamic Simulator. This dataset contains 2 subdatasets, including bearing data and gear data, which are both acquired on Drivetrain Dynamics Simulator DDS. There are two kinds of working conditions with rotating speed – load configuration set to be and Within each file, there are 8rows of signals which represent: 1-motor vibration, 2,3,4-vibration of planetary gearbox in three directions: x, y, and z, 5-motor torque, 6,7,8-vibration of parallel gear box in three directions: x, y, and z.
Signals of rows 2,3,4 are all effective. Deep learning enabled fault diagnosis using time-frequency image analysis of rolling element bearings[J].
Shock and Vibration, , Y, et al. Rolling element bearing diagnostics using the Case Western Reserve University data: A benchmark study. Over 90 new re
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